The True Cost of Technical Debt

Jan Sunavec
2 min readNov 8, 2023

As tech enthusiasts, we’re always eager to explore the latest tools and technologies, reveling in the thrill of innovation. However, lurking beneath the surface of our projects is a hidden adversary: technical debt.

It’s not just a minor nuisance; it can be a formidable obstacle that could jeopardize our projects and creativity. I’ll delve into the consequences of a massive technical debt and learn how to address it with style.

The Hidden Costs of Technical Debt

To truly appreciate the significance of tackling technical debt, we must first understand the dire consequences it can have on our projects. It’s more than just a little inconvenience; it’s the relentless accumulation of shortcuts and sub-optimal solutions that usually lead to delayed deliveries, increased bug counts, and frustrated team members.

The Dangers of Ignoring Technical Debt

Ignoring technical debt is akin to turning a blind eye to a growing fire — it can quickly get out of control. Without timely intervention, your projects may suffer from unstable codebases, reduced productivity, and my favorite — unhappy clients. With the rule, `business first` you can’t simply ignore this. Think about technical debt as a loan. It’s easy and fast to get money, but it’s hard to pay it back. Especially when your payment calendar is long. Funny fact about the tech dept is that interest rate is always high. I can do a hotfix today, without the tests and poor / temporary solution. But it will cost me more in the future. Much more than provide a proper solution with tests.

A Comprehensive Plan to Rescue Your Projects

You must face the issue head-on, prioritize tasks, and allocate resources to effectively address the most pressing problems. Failure to do so may lead to project delays, compromised quality, and a perpetual state of firefighting.

Building a Culture of Quality

This is Alfa. The first mind which popup when someone tell “tech dept”. Forget the unit test, forget refactoring, versioning, continuous integration and documentation. Core is build a culture of quality.

Technical debt flourishes in environments where quality is an afterthought. When you look at your code and unit tests are missing, that’s a not good team culture. That means nobody cares about the future. Nobody cares about customers.

Make unit test should be rewarded by other team members. Everyone unit test, every new line in documentation, every code review counts. Even one small step towards the quality is step to pay the dept.



Jan Sunavec

CTO, R&D director, Ad-Tech, Video Streaming, OTT, CTV, OpenRTB