CyberGame 2024 writeupsV tejto hre neplatí že posledný budú prvý. Posledný ostanú posledný a prvý budú prvý! Navždy!Apr 15, 2024Apr 15, 2024
How to use Azure Key Vault with Kubernetes clusterThere are numerous ways to incorporate Key Vault within the application or alongside workload IDs, but our emphasis will be on simplicity…Nov 29, 2023Nov 29, 2023
The True Cost of Technical DebtAs tech enthusiasts, we’re always eager to explore the latest tools and technologies, reveling in the thrill of innovation. However…Nov 8, 2023Nov 8, 2023
ChatGPT for Forensic AnalyzeDecompiling assembly code for uncommon CPUs such as RISC-V or ARM is quite challenging. There are only a few available tools like IDA Pro…Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023
CyberGame 2023 — MementoO CTF som prvýkrát počul z rozprávania kamarátov. Pripadalo mi to, že taký masochizmus robia veľkí chlapci, ktorí si programujú vlastný OS…May 18, 2023May 18, 2023
Building Teams = Understand peopleRather than seeking a definitive formula for assembling an ideal team and becoming fixated on specific quantities of product and…Feb 24, 2023Feb 24, 2023
How to Prepare a Video Stream for SSAI (Ad Stitching)Let me demonstrate how to create a proper SSAI stream that you can utilize with services such as AWS MediaTailor.Feb 20, 2023Feb 20, 2023
CSAI vs SSAI understanding principlesDelivering video ads on connected TV (CTV) presents many technical challenges. However, using either client-side ad insertion (CSAI) or…Jan 23, 2023Jan 23, 2023